The Sun
the sun Updated: February 2009

Tarot Cards
Three of Swords
0: The Fool
6: XOR: The Lovers
Two of Cups
Nine of Swords
Three of Cups
Five of Cups
Four of Swords
Two of Wands
Ace of Cups
Ten of Swords
Seven of Cups
Five of Disks
Six of Disks
Eight of Wands
Three of Disks
Two of Disks
3: The Empress
Seven of Disks

Candy Hearts
Burning Love
Three of Swords
Love is Dead
6: XOR: The Lovers
Two of Cups
Three of Cups
Four of Swords
Ace of Cups
Seven of Cups
Six of Disks
3: The Empress

Meanings: The Sun. Light. Enlightment. Summer. Glory. Warmth. Sunburn. Clarity. Youthful energy. Intellect/Science/Reason (versus The Moon).

Imagery: Sun shining over children in garden. Sunflowers.
Montage of sunflower and Buddha (with sexy lensflare as the 3rd eye) for the Sun image. The smaller sunflowers have ben superimposed with the youngest children of my four siblings.

The current economy leaves me unemployed, but able to take advantage of my sudden free time to finally visit the Southern hemisphere, and enjoy summer in winter. Today has already been stellar... here in Paihia, NZ.