Egg Index

Green Y

The Next Egg

Green Y
Gold 02/Green (faded)/Aquamarine/Black 01

This color order produces much richer greens, but, I might prefer the faded green color over the Gold as a base to mostly green eggs. Perhaps I'd have to dip the egg then in gold, dry it without ink, then dip it again in the faded green.

While the stonewashed egg was so promising in production and then fell apart at the black stage, this egg looked like crap when in progress. The darker green looked black (which you can tell in spots in the images) until the final color dip.

I am hoping to work through the remaining 2 dozen old shells before mixing any new dyes, since how they'll take is too unpredictable. However, I've gotten a few other friends addicted. We might have an entire new basket's worth by PassEasterover.

Sun-damaged at WAP 2002
Photos & Batik by Julia

Updated: June 2002