Welcome! You have found the Infinite Halo.

Here's the The Latest Postcard!

Infinite Halo began as a celebration of the way in which one person transformed a lame obsession with a pop musical act into something cool.

The history of infinite halo as a tribute to Nine Inch Nails was recorded in Hope & Vasoline. The expanded version begins here.

Infinite Halo is now a general name for all of my NIN related, and postmarked artistic endeavors, as well as an umbrella term for any professional creative work I might be called upon to do. It is no longer simply a subscription list for several postcards a year, most of which are original work.

I am shifting the primary focus of the postcards towards one of my lifetime goals, the creation of my own Tarot deck.

I suspect a silly pun regarding the band who inspired the name will continue to sneak in every now and then.

I plan to offer an annual birthday postcard for the man who inspired so much of the early incarnation of Infinite Halo as long as there are other fans who appreciate it.



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Where have you seen this spike before?
Can you identify the lighter colored crud?

The answers can be found somewhere on this site.

It predates the Quake logo,
and, as far as I know,
the Trust/Obey logo as well.

Updated: March 2001