
Volume IV Issue #7 December 1996 C.E.

For The Shire of Coppertree
in the Principality of Aethelmearc,
in the Kingdom of the East,
of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.

This is the Windfalls, the newsletter by & for the members of the Shire of Coppertree of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. It is not a corporate publication of the SCA, Inc., nor does it delineate SCA policies. It is available from the shire of Coppertree.

It is officially free, but donations to defray costs are gladly accepted. Current "subscriptions" & some back issues available from the Chronicler upon request.

© 1996 M. Brown
Unless otherwise indicated, permission is granted to reprint anything in this issue as long as; it is not taken out of context, credit is given to Windfalls, issue #, volume # and author/artist are listed. Sending me and the author/artist a copy would be a nice touch & is recommended.
Editorial Contribution Policy:
We are always accepting artwork, articles, SCA and Period neat facts & SCA Meeting Announcements for regular events/practices within a 2 hour commute from Coppertree proper (Utica-Rome-Oneida Area, also known as Central Leatherstocking Region for those of you who read Thruway signs on a regular basis.) No accounting for tastes: due to the racy reputation that makes this newsletter, we may publish it just because no one else will, though as a disclaimer, it does not mean that anyone but the author agrees with the opinions or "facts" stated in that work.

All work is assumed to be ok for above copyright permission unless the author/artist states otherwise. Anonymous work cannot be accepted, although we will consider allowing you to use a pseudonym as long as we know who you are.

Method of Contribution.
Via fax, computer disk (Macintosh, preferably, although my computer can read your pathetic DOS and Windows files via Soft Windows), scanner or internet. We will grudgingly accept handwritten and oral contributions, but be forewarned that we may misquote you or simply forget whatever you said. Certain Chroniclers have been known to scribble a quote on a scrap of paper and then find that scrap of paper as a little paper rock in their pants as they take them out of the dryer. They try to reassemble the little rock into a sheet to see what it said & then they mutter darkly, JUST BITE ME!
It's big, it's dark, it's round, it's wet, I have my hands around it and I'm going to swallow every inch.


Wassail, Wassail, All Over the Town

Okay, it's winter againŠ don't you love the way the time flies in Coppertree, like in those old movies where leaves flutter to the ground and clock hands whirl madly? We seem to have settled our political differences by choosing to ignore them and drink heavily, in the tradition of the shire; we mostly got back from the War okay, although the Queen of Nana seems to be keeping a low profile; and some planning is underway for the next Baby Harp Seal slaughter, A Passage to India, even though it was briefly sidelined by Paul McGann's birthday and Dan's predilection for reading the menu in the voice of Apu, the owner of the Quick-E Mart.

As you will see that there are no holiday-themed articles in this edition, not even a (choke, gasp) Holiday Gift Guide, so here are some gift suggestions for the gang. Mathilde wants her closets cleared out; Dan is too cheap for gifts; Edana would like anything relating to Paul McGann or Oscar Wilde (listen to Vurt if you find it on tape); and as for the rest--well, Saranac is producing some swell holiday gift packs, isn't it? Not to mention the Brotherhood Winery, with shops both on Varick Street and in the Sangertown Mall. If you're still desperate, contact Archie McPhee at their website. Nobody doesn't like Archie.


P.S. Congratulations to the new Sir Yngvar the Dismal.Congrats also to the shire members & many friends who showed up at our recent demos at Utica College, including a goodly number from the Northern Outpost. And finally, a more personal note: for those of you who knew and bore the scars of Danger Kitty, Wulfstan's owner, he is feeling much better now that the stitches from his surgery have been removed.

Graphic Credits:

Bridge Battle, Coronation, and Giant by Caterina; Mistress Isabella #1 & #2 by Mathilde. Hatlick and Rhidago by aliens. Adobe Photoshop scanning & editing courtesy of Baron Daniel del Cavallo.

Deadlines? Uh . . .

Windfalls #24 (vol. IV #8)
will probably come out in the early spring just after the Baby Harp Seal debacle in February. SpringŠa time of new beginnings. A new kingdom. What new projects do you contemplate for the spring and summer seasons? Articles, artwork, aardvarks, and full-scale replicas of the battleship Potemkin, in a medium of your choice, welcomed.

Windfalls #25 (vol IV #9)
will probably appear in time to go to the War, along with a lot of emotional baggage, several cases of mead, and in Mathilde's case, everything in her kitchen including the sink. Hmmm, maybe it's time to discuss cooking in the dirt again. How about some more humor suitable for the johns of Pennsic? Alien photos are also welcome. Remember, the truth is out there. And finally, how about a shopping guide? War isn1Ú4t all fun and games, you know!

Index Photo: Mistress Isabella shows, well, herself, conferring with Icefalcon. You can see a gorgeous color version of this on the web site whenever we get around to it. (bite me - the webmonster). Hatlick is the unfortunate result of Dan, Silverlocke, and Badger going out for an eveing of revelry in Cleveland.

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