
Volume IV Issue #7December 1996 C.E.

For The Shire of Coppertree
in the Principality of Aethelmearc,
in the Kingdom of the East,
of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.

Local Events

Fight Practice: 7 p.m.
Oneida Youth Bureau
Rattan (stick jock!)
1st, 3rd 5th Tuesdays
Fencing (wire weenie!)
2nd & 4th Tuesdays

"Drinking Practice"
6-8 pm, Fridays,
at the Ground Round
on route 5 in New Hartford,
across from Sangertown Square Mall.

Brewing: ask Danny or Mathilde.
Armoring: Caer Cinniuint.
Cooking: ask Mathilde (historical)
or Edana (exotic).
Forging: ask Kenhelm.
Sewing: ask Rhiannon or
Edana or Isabeau.

Delftwood Practice:
Monday at 6:30 at St Marie
among the Iroquois,
on the Onondaga Lake Parkway.
Call Dain or Yngvar.

Heavy fighting & fencing,
Sundays, 1-4 pm,
at Risley Hall, Cornell Unviersity,
Thurston Ave, Ithaca NY,
except the Sunday
after a Myrkfaelinn event
and during school breaks.
For more info,
contact Lord Lyev Davidovitch,
(LJS2@cornell .edu).

You mean we're sharing our firepit with the scum-sucking East?--Midrealmer.

Those are our dear friends the scum-sucking East!--Avery

Stone of Destiny Returns to Scotland

On November 14, the historic Stone of Scone, on which the Kings of Scotland were traditionally crowned, was returned to Scotland at the place where it was brought to England by Edward Longshanks in 1296, the bridge crossing the River Tweed in Coldstream. The Stone had been placed under the throne in Westminster Abbey, London, where English monarchs were crowned, since the thirteenth century.

Representatives of the Scottish Nationalist Party have hailed the return of the Stone as furthering their movement to make Scotland an independent country. In an address on behalf of the SNP, Sean Connery said that the return of the stone was only a beginning and that more than symbols, Scotland needed real power and a real parliament.

Alex Salmond, leader of the Scottish National Party, is also calling for a return of the Isle of Lewis ivory chessmen, found in last century and taken to England, and the Book of Deer, a land register like the Domesday Book, that was "pinched" by the English, probably in 1296, the same year that the Stone of Destiny was removed from Scone and taken south.

I understand I was the subject of a senior staff meeting.
- Puppy

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